"Breaking The Ice"

"Breaking the ice" has never been an issue with me.Be it striking a conversation with a gentleman,a lady or one of those weired strangers,I am always instantly at ease sliding into a 'right chord' with people of all sorts. You know why.!because I always,religiously keep myself updated on everything that's an 'happening'. I can talk at length about Tiger Wood's infidelity,though I may not be exactly sure about his 'handicap'. I can also just talk and talk about that book called "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I also can debate 'minutes on end' about 'economic slow down' and on those 'growth engine' that thrust those "Richie Rich" straight to the Forbes's list. You see finding myself so updated,I never thought there will be any need to talk about "the weather" simply to "break the ice".
However with passage of time I realise that lots of filth and garbage has flowed down the rivers,seas and oceans across the globe,sending the entire 'earth into a crazy makeover. Very soon we will witness glaciers melting away and winters becoming sweaty & warm. Well the time has arrived for "me you and us" to stop to notice "the crying Earth and the weeping shores?" beyond Michael Jackson's "Earth Song".
"Let me,you and us" join to make "Global Warming" a serious universal concern and do what we should,so that someday tomorrow we don't start breathing fire & filth and suddenly stop "dreaming to glance beyond the stars" It's been a while,I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting for "breaking the ice". Let us all come together and join hands for a cause that can preserve our cultural and agricultural heritage for future generations. "The fate of the living planet is the most important issue facing mankind." so let us work on it.


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