A person for all seasons

When I look back my schooling days,I am never able to connect my history & Geography classes as well my trigonometry & differential calculus periods with what I am today. The job that I am handling demands drafting good e mails, besides managing & expanding customer base for the company's products and services.I am doing fabulously well in my job.

I never ever have any reasons to brush up my history geography,nor tinker with trigonometry & differential calculus to enhance my career profile. I never feel the need to understand why at all either battle of Panipat(1526) or battle of Plassey(1757) took place. I don't have to show off that I know what makes an "OCEAN" greater than a "SEA". My knowledge of 'Differential calculus', doesn't help me, since I don't get into mortgages. I believe in a life that runs on 100%"down payments".

My exposure to 'Trigonometry' gives me a thorough understanding of all Triangles. However I am happy I never got into Love triangles so there is no need for me to check on acute and obtuse angles except to understand the road signages, which incidentally hardly helps me driving on my "Dilli" roads...

While I am debating to explore some merits for commemorating Teachers day,I come across the bunch of Greeting cards that read "THANK YOU" TEACHER" lying on the dining table.My wife is a teacher. Incidentally these are the greetings she received today from her pupils whom she had taught 25 years ago to cross the T's and dot the I's as well made them learn the 3 R's. This becomes an instant wisdom to me to realize that it was my KG teacher who endured her patience some 55 years ago to make me write my alphabets as well spell & pronounce the words in a perfect Lord Macaulay's English.

My success today is hugely because of my effective & clear communication and now I realize that I owe this success to nobody but my KG Teacher. Thank you "Teacher" where ever you are. Now I know 'Integrity,courage,sacrifice and faith' that's what is a "TEACHER" is all about. Truly you don't stand a chance to live your life to the brim without "GURU KRIPA".

Yes a teacher will always remain a 'Person for all seasons'... "HAPPY TEACHERS DAY"


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