Dilli Meri Jaan..!

It’s been some time; no it would be more apt to say it’s been long time since I had any special opportunity to go out of the way to praise my city. This doesn’t mean that my heart doesn’t beat for my city. It does of course and will remain that way till I reach my final destination like every one has to, one day or some day.

My city has always stayed on the head lines and been a very frequent ‘breaking news’ for all the TV channels.. From Pot holes to Open drains, from hit & run cases to rapes on moving cars, from bride burning to chain snatching, from political scandals to political scams, from mob violence to political gheraos, from terrorists attacks to espionage, from swine flue to bird flue, from sting operations to deingo, if I let loose my fingers on the key board this listing will remain unending. Truly my city has been on all CAPS for every wrong reasons and as though this was not enough, now the “Commonwealth” “Game Swindling” is almost ripping apart the city’s’ credentials and creditability. Also very close on heels we now have ‘caving of roads’ as river Yamuna after ages decides to flow majestically, which innocently opens up the “Pandora box” in city administrations.

I know that I, both as a part of a crowd and as a face in the crowd remain most vigorous when it comes to cribbing, or when it comes to expressing my woes of being in this city. However what I have never tried enough is to look around the city and take note of some positive vibes”. I call this a common human behavior pattern...I wish to change though...

Of late when I see my city drenched in apathy I am looking around for some opportunity to put all my heart and shout “WOW”…....

Now here as my eyes hit the today’s front page news “DELHI METRO” reaches Gurgaon...I am suddenly finding my self so excited that I heard myself saying loudly “WOW” what a remarkable achievement....!

My set of teeth don't remain well placed between my jaws, otherwise I bet my million dollar smile at this moment would have been any camera's delight… Mogambo Khush Hua! Dilli Meri Jaan…!




we love you delhi


dilli meri jaan

regards rohnit

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