chonk gaye kya..!

From 'colas' to 'cosmetics' and from 'toiletries' to 'detergents' ,it is we the consumer who influence the wining edge for the product as well contribute to all the shakes and moves of their sales graph. In short it is we the consumers who remain both a king maker and an uncrowned king in the FMCG market. However somewhere in the chain of the events it is them who make a joker of us through their creative ad that get into our head without influencing our brain.
For instance in spite of my using anti dandruff shampoos, the dandruff continues to remain cozy and comfortable inside the scanty growth over my head. My skin still continues to remain “dark and not glowingly” even after exhausting tubes of “fair & lovely”. The white shirts that I wear to office is anything but a “safedi ke chamkan”. Even my wife’s hopping from "Rin to "Tide" & "Tide to Rin" has not helped my shirts to "wash away" its paleness.
I still order my 'colas' with every 'pizza' that I call for, however I still remain not accepted in "youngistan"
Well as long as we are stuck with our ‘idiot box’, meddling media, and the branding Bollywood we will continue to be carried away by the package and the 'tag line' and not the product. I thought of keying in a few lines comparing “simply literate” and Ad “literate”. However I gave up the idea because I feel both a ‘simply literate’ as well an ‘Ad literate’ remain actually confused when it comes to selecting good apples from a basket full of apples…… “chonk gaye kya”!


Unknown said…
Advertising has hit a new low with this ad on Tide and Rin- Earlier it was left to the judgement of the consumer to "imagine" the product being talked about- however this one is a direct attack.I would prefer the same is left to the ultimate consumer to decide rather than these advertisers directing our thoughts.
Kartick...I just read somewhere that these kind of ads...are very common in the western countries.......I think its time we ..start being original in our 'creativity...what say..?

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