Drawing 'attention' to being 'attractive'...

Historically speaking we have always remained a point of "attention" for the world around.It was the "East India" Company's attention that eventually turned us into a "British subject". Again our journey from being a "British Colony" to becoming an "independent India" saw us getting into a huge bandwidth of attention from across the globe. We hogged the lime light for our classic "freedom struggle", which remains the first ever "battle for freedom" based on the concept called "non violence".

Today in the free and a "Democratic India", we remain glorified for our poverty and slum dog culture. Besides all this, we do still keep the 'world's attention' for our 'spiritualism' and 'yoga'. Now since we continue to 'hog attention' of the 'world' around for one thing or the other, it doesn't make sense for me to keep going with such listing. I therefore like to move away from "drawing attention" to "being attractive". This draws my attention to a latest news item, that says that 'we' 'Indians' are the 8Th "most" "attractive People" in World. This to me is really interesting, pleasant and pleasing at the same time. You see being a hardcore "Indian" it makes me by default "attractive". Now I don't care , if you continue to find me an "ugly duckling", because I know I am an "Indian" and that I remain the 8th most attractive people around the world. You may call this power of "onePoll.com" but for me this is my confidence for moving myself from drawing 'attention' to being 'attractive'...what say "fair&lovely"..!


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