hooked to the politicians mercy....

We accepted it as part of our living. Gradually we started grumbling about it. We also then tried to cry about it in groups & forums. We then became so frustrated about it that we started making noise. However nothing changed for "we the people" We continued to remain unheard, un responded and ignored. Fretting & fuming we continued to live on...

Then in April 2011 a man walks into Delhi's Jantar Mantar and decides to roar in public. His war cry against corruption was no less than the roar of a lion. It was this sound that compelled each of us to stand up and listen. In matter of days this roar echoed through the entire nation. The man behind the roar was 73 year old who went to prove to the world that old age can never be a sign of infirmity unless one willed it to be so. This was Anna Hazzare. In him for the first time in post independence era pan India gets her true people's leader. For the first time ever 'we the people ' are face to face to see and feel what spontaneous leadership is all about.

I had always preferred to be a pessimist in the matters of driving out national level corruptions Pessimism helps to drive away your disappointments. However today like every Indian I remain optimist enough for chartering an audacity of hope of seeing a corruption free India...

Let us not stop at Jan Lok pal bill. We need to admit that each political party in this country is worse than the other. Our's is a representative Democracy where we get to choose who will run the country for next five years without giving us any control over how they run the country. This is the core reason that has given our politicians the unquestionable right to plunder & loot the wealth,welfare & well being of the nation & the people. Therefore it is now very essential that we continue to maintain the tempo and vibrancy of the Ramlila grounds without breaks & jerks.

Today we have the privilege of being the largest democracy. Let us hope one day we will also have the privilege of being the first true Democracy in the world .....where people will have the right to call back their representative for non performance without the ritual of waiting for the completion of the five year cycle. Where action against national & state level political & economical corruptions will be taken based on people's referendum and not left to parliamentarian's goon ism.. Let us look forward for that historical day when we as a nation will no longer remain hooked to the politicians mercy...


Anonymous said…
Anna should start a new party and present a multi-point agenda for at least one year to country .. and contest election 2014 .. I think that is the only solution and as I believe most of his team member's also want that way

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