Who hauled away our "Wisdom"..?
I never remember visiting the dentist for extracting my wisdom tooth. Now going by the statistical data, does that make me part of the 35% of population who have no 'wisdom' tooth'.Who cares. I still have teeth enough to chew away my frustrations of being on the electoral roll of world's largest democracy.
Democracy has always remained an instant fascination for most of us. The concept "for the people, by the people, of the people" always make us feel great in spite of being just ordinary people. However what continues to surprise me, is the fact that we keep failing in making a right choice of electing a right political party to power. I realize we hardly have any choice. No point therefore to discredit our intelligence for our failure. Anyways how long can we continue to ignore our fundamental right to demand good governance.
We are all members of the civil society, yet many like me will never endorse killing all our waking & productive hours in engaging the entire government machinery in debating , tom-toming, brow beating and brick bating on issue of corruptions & black money.
Along with a bad governance, now we have in hand some social activists, a over glorified Yoga entrepruner and a limbless political party behaving like ringmasters and subjecting us into believing that our very survival is at stake because of corruption & black money.
These leaders are of late making a mockery of 'hunger' by constantly threatening to go on hunger strike and eat away public and media time. Perhaps they aren't aware that more than50 lac people in this country die of hunger every year. Perhaps they are ignorant that thousands of people here daily succumb to poverty, crimes, rapes, stampede & accidents besides starvation.
An unmanned ship MV "Wisdom" ran aground off Juhu beach. Perhaps it will be hauled soon to its destination. However the question to ponder here is when will, we the ordinary people wise-up to our wisdom and keep away from getting hauled by every aspiring politicians & political parties for their cause , at our cost. Will someone tell me ..who hauled away our "Wisdom"....?
Agoosd piece that gives food for thought