Political 'spectators'

while respecting the will of the majority, "Democracy"zealously protect the fundamental rights of individuals and minority groups.A serious student of political science will appreciate and as well understand this. But what about the 'Aam Admi"? Does he at all believe that "democracy zealously protect the fundamental rights of individual and minority groups". Let us look at some of the the day to day events,to understand the "fundamentals" of Democracy in action. Let us check these out:
When an 'Aam Admi" goes to the government hospital for serious medical treatment,the hospital very often sends him away,because of shortage of beds.However a 'politician' easily gets himself admitted to the hospitals,when ever he wants evade arrest for scams or crimes
A road accident victim,has to wait for the police to complete formalities,before he is able to get the medical attentions. Many a times this wait costs him his life. However if the victim is a 'politician' or his family an entire team of doctors attend on him & police formalities takes the back seat.
Whenever an 'Aam Admi',kills a goon in self defence,he is immediately arrested,quickly tried for the crime and put behind the bar for taking the law into his hand. However when a son of a politician,shoots a bartender point blank just because he was not served that "one for the road" drink , there is neither a quick arrest,nor a fast trial.In fact more often ,he is arrested,only after candle light protest by public.Again an ordinary prisoner is required to pay to buy his parole,however for a politician or his family,a 'parole' is always at 'will' and a phone call away.
Well there is no point listing 'Aam Admi's' frustration,it remains unending though genuine. Incidentally after reading the sample events,it hardly makes sense to sense an 'Aam Admi's' reaction to a "Democracy that is in action".
Let us accept the fact that this "Democracy" is going to be in fashion,as long as the the 'ramp' here remains an exclusive 'cat walk' of politicians & their family. As for ' 'Aam Admi', he will continue to carry on his life and remain an helpless political spectator of Life & style of the politicians,who incidentally will continue to hold the proprietary rights of Democracy in India...What say "Aam Aadmi"!


Unknown said…
Agreed with this real and practicle facts. But who is responsible for this? Who selects the politicians? This is a society where people selects and peoples are elected. This things (read corruption) doesnt arise in a day or two. But the way we the majority (read as the voters who voted) people of India selects. Who is there for long in the politics selects the course of our democracy whethere some sections to be added or removed or some law to be formed. The outcome..? they have pioneered and world class officers that are their secretories and on top positions by craking the hardest examinations like IAS. The politicians then cretes the society to their own will that actually reflects in then decades. And we start weeping about the things. Even in the such cases the police themself become handicapt and so on.
So for all it is think before we vote and think before we settle our mind to some political thinking and contradict others. Think once what if I am wrong?

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