"Jai Ram" ji ki..!

It is refreshing to notice that in a politically polluted environ, our Minister for "Environment and Forest" is able to stand up and at least accept that 8 lac people die every year in our country because of environmental factors.This news is worth the newsprint it is printed on.
I am sure sooner or later the 'honorable' minister will also notice the plight of the living millions called "Aam Aadmi",who are presently walking,running and struggling to breath in an environ that may not have anything to do with 'global warming' or 'ozone layer' but has defiantly everything to do with with a "rut" called country's "Civic" authorities and state 'administrators.
'Honorable' minister, we understand that your 'power' and 'position' in the society will never allow you even by 'chance' to "encounter",what we the 'living people" have reconciled to live with.For instance like you, we also believe that "morning walk" is good for 'heart'.We are sure you will never even for a 'day' be skipping your 'morning walk".We also 'wish' 'we' could remain 'regular' morning walkers. However the filth & garbage scattered on the roads and those stinking urinals of the streets give us a really tough time breathing & walking at the same time. Also because of those obnoxious gas emitted by open gutters that run like 'milky way' en-route,hardly gives us any time to 'swing' our hands. Now how can you expect your hands to 'swing' when you keep it 'busy' boxing your 'nose' with a glows called kerchief. In short the 'heart' of the matter is that we are no more engaging ourselves with 'Morning Walks"
By the way 'honorable' minister, if at all you are able to stumble into this blog,I am sure you will defiantly agree that it is 'WE' the "people" who will remain the most deserving candidates for that "Nobel Prize" for "Dirt & Filth". If I am wrong please use today's 'HINDUSTAN TIMES" to "knock" my "HEAD".. "Jai Ram" ji ki..!


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