A story with no myth about Vampires...
I grew up reading Stories by Enid Blyton and adventures of Biggles and somewhere on the time zone I picked up Bram Stoker's Dracula and that's when I came to know about those blood sucking men and women that we call Vampires. I always considered Vampires to be some supernatural creatures of pr-historic times. Now Adi's 'Tantra' has for some reason or other makes me believe that they are simply part of this crowd we call people. The author Adi is a Harvard and Stanford graduate and 'Tantra', his first novel is the outcome of his deep interest in spiritual and religious history of India. The story revolves around Anu Agarwal a New York based young lady who is some kind of a professional Vampire hunter . Anu's soul mate Brain is brutally killed by a Vampire. The book 'Tantra' is about her revenge journey to avenge the killing of Brain.The journey brings h...