The Silly Voter's moments of Crowning Glory.!

Across the Globe Democracy remains  the most preferred form of governance.  It's philosophy
"For the people, By the people and Of the people" continues to hit the right chord with the people across the Globe.The year 2010 saw almost an universal upsurge for Democracy. The people in Bolivia, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya,Lebanon, Ivory Cost and Iran demonstrated the audacity to come on the streets to demolish authoritarianism  and fundamentalism to bring in Democracy..

India remains world's largest if not the oldest surviving democracy. We have our share of political upheavals and  communal turmoils, yet we know we will continue to remain not  influenced by Military Coups and Dictatorship that keep rattling our neighborhoods. Our Generals and Solders will always  remain ferocious and dare devils on the battlefields. Our Armed forces have time and again proved that when it comes to deeds of valor and chivalry they are never a second to none. However on the home turf our Armed forces remain happy to toe the line with political leadership. This not withstanding their occasional skirmishes with politicians over some 'birth years and  birth records.This amply proves that our Armed forces will never be a  threat to our great Democracy

In  Democracy,  it is the power of the people and the weight of their vote that empowers the politicians and their party to take over the responsibility of running and reigning the nation for a defined period of time. The political parties  in power are required to use this time frame to invest their efforts and ability to unleash economic and  social well being of the people and the nation. The political parties are expected to spearhead and script story of growth and productivity .If all this sound exalted ideals, then be it so.

We know idealism can never be the Fountainhead for ideas The working Democracy in India has always thrived on the ideas of cast, communal and regional bias. It has helped in  unleashing and endorsing unscrupulous political empowerment, that of late is seeing the economics of corruption more devastating than even the natural disasters. Politicians are becoming vampires sucking away the taxpayers blood to their  last drop. Democracy to an extent has become responsible for turning the politicians into Dracula and at times making them even more vicious than the Dracula of the Victorian era.

Election being the backbone of Democracy, empowers the people to elect their leaders every five years.It is the only time when the politicians with folded hands,and dog like wagging  come on to the people's door front, not barking and bullying but bragging and begging for VOTE.This remains the Silly voter's  moments  of  crowning  glory ! Perhaps this is also the reason for Democracy thriving in India..


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