
Showing posts from November, 2011

Tapping my feet when in the showers...

Switch on the TV and start surfing channels. Don't we feel bored to the bone... watching all those Sas Bahu serials and those stupid Rakhi & Sawant shows. Besides this I wonder how much can one endure seeing those Nobody & Anybody murdering time & values in the reality shows called Big Boss. These all being not enough we continue to get heavy doze of scribe elites, politicians and socialist debating common man and his never ending encounters with price,petrol & panic without value adding any work around solutions. We also remain slapped with never ending bytes on 3 G scams & political parties and politicians gimmicks. Though on rare occasions we do come to see one odd brave heart slapping politicians and reminding us of People power. Anyway it hardly helps us in making our thick skinned Parliamentarians do the job they are paid for. These lust & power greed politicians continue to use the tax payers money as a privy purse for financing their ...


India is a welfare nation. This means govt role is not limited to collecting tax and protecting life and property It has also the responsibility of overseeing the growth of the people by ensuring that adequate food, shelter are provided to them. Also implementing proper Health and education program to ensure general health and literacy of the people. In short it is the responsibility of the state and central government to see that all welfare measures are implemented and monitored. We the people therefore elect our government under parliamentary democracy to ensue we as a nation as much as people remain a story of growth, development and prosperity(GDP) However the stark reality is an altogether a different story..A story of horror,plight,pain and insecurity. We are today the nation that has become politically bankrupt. Politicians and political parties are lost in fighting out for power, greed and vengeance. Our Parliament remains paralyzed with non performance. The country ...

If you don't mind it doesn't matter...

I have been so engrossed with my anxiety of being a sixty plus that I almost keep forgetting every year the arrival and departure of Children's Day (14, November) . I still remember my those childhood days when I used to runaway and hide every time I broke some costly ceramic tea set or other valuable items. Being the youngest and the only son among the four children I would always cry without reasons after fighting with my sisters... I also remember my nutty and  naughty school days. I still remember my English teacher explaining William Wordsworth Poem "The Rainbow". However for some strange reasons I am still not remain convinced with Wordsworth's famous line "Child is the father of man". Well those were the wonderful days that keep lingering in my mind and memory. Whenever I get bitten with the complexity of present day living , I always revisit my school days and feel like the man who finally flew over the cuckoo's nest.. I am now ...

Engaged & engrossed chasing Mirage

This is India. Here Cricket is a religion that will continue to bond together people cutting across their faith,caste, customs & gender. How else you explain the fanatic followers of cricket that keep swelling in number and remain dotted across the length and bredth of the country. Again this is India. Here corruption is an institution that will continue to play a lead role in restoring people's faith in Democracy. This is why we the people keep electing same tainted political parties and politicians back into parliament or into power at every election. For instance politicians responsible for Bofors, Fodder & Hawal scams continue to remain today either in power or in the parliament. It is not that the largest parliamentary democracy in the world does not have systems & process in place to check corruption. We have CAG, CVC, CBI which are government bodies responsible for overseeing government transactions, extracting accountability and enforcing criminal charg...