
Showing posts from August, 2011

Waiting for our bones...!

India is virtually hit by a tsunami called "people-emotion".Their total outburst against the unstoppable avalanche of political & governmental corruption makes absolute sense. The huge sea of humanity pitching in with Anna Hazare for his war against this corruption is ' verylogical ' and not 'illogical '. Our wafer thin trust on the political system of our democracy has surely reached a point of breaking. Our politicians and our economists generally remain concerned about the upheavals & unrest in Libya,Egypt & other nations.They never fail to show their concern about the economic meltdown in America & Europe. However when it comes to our domestic economy and the magnitude of corruption at home, they instantly get into the game of using statistics and playing monkey and making us ride a crocodile to nowhere. Today the politicians and political parties have made our parliament a den for conspirators, for arm twisting & tongue...

our right to say what's wrong...

Not any time before in the history of independent India did we see the bureaucrats , the politicians and the very governance vandalising the integrity and the very trust of the people. Their unbridled power & greed is eating into the very texture of our economy that is supposed to be globally vibrant & investment friendly. They truly have emerged as Modern India's Muhammad Ghaznis' and Muhammad Ghauris'. Be it the power heads at state level, be it the powerful s' at the center, they all keep creating & exploiting opportunities to nurse their greed, grudge and remain obsessed to self grandeur. It is very rare to have an intellectual Prime Minister whose honesty & integrity is totally scratch free. However his lame & limping leadership is tormenting. How can a nation tolerate a leader who neither speaks up nor speaks back. To add to the woes of our democracy we have also a leader of the opposition in the parliament who always remain be...