The Blessed Curse "Nostalgic flashes" !


 When you already  know a little about the  book it does create an  interest “Blessed Curse” was just that. This book is about an  Indian middle class household  that is holding together three generations in generous harmony with all those ifs and buts about the generation gaps  The book undoubtedly is  an inspirational read  especially at a  time when the concept of   “nuclear households", remains a widely spread idea among the Millennials  It recalibrates your mind to question , debate ,accept and  celebrate every generation’s point of view 

This book is the story of Jagdamba Prasad & his wife Pushpa Devi living with their son, daughter in law and grandchildren in one of the colonies of East Delhi’. The author in this book takes the reader through good, bad and ugly about each generation. The beauty is, it does not come as a bout of episodes but as “cosy chats” between the members of the family, the son, the grandchildren and Jagan Babu himself. The conversations that happen at the family’s Dining table, at the Birthday Cake cutting function , during  that family train journey  or that Ola ride through the Delhi roads do showcase  author’s versatility to keep the spectrum of readers happily  engaged in the family chats

This 191 cover to cover “paperback” navigates into memories and feelings as it journeys  into nostalgic moments “Nostalgia is a peculiar experience It has a warmth to it , the flash back moments do turn emotions. One is bound to enjoy the tete-a-tete between Jagan Babu and his grandchildren Rakhi, Roshan and Pinki  Once you get into the book  you could really feel the pulse of Jagan Babu’s generation whenever he  walks us through his “memory lane” 

 The book is definitely a must read for the present generation, who are so lost in the euphoria that they refuse to appreciate the pain and agony that the past generation went through in  making an India that we live in today. The generation that neither had Google or Alexa at their command nor smart phones to power them to keep in touch  

The “Blessed Curse” is probably the fourth book coming from author Dinesh Verma’s Desk and I had the privilege to read them all. I would not even blink an eye to recommend them all. They are worth the read . Do go for it   It is available in Amazon  


khushdilverma said…
I thank profusely the learned Blogger for having captured from the plot of my book ‘The Blessed Curse’ what was uppermost in my mind when I took upon me the task to write what can be called an auto-fiction.
The book published recently is fulfilment of my long-cherished desire to take young readers back to initial years after India shook off colonial yoke so that they, who have smart phones in their hands and laptop on their laps, can have the hang of the harsh reality of their grand and great grandparent’s day to day struggle for survival, their pain and agony. They need to be transformed into living with them and watch them holding slates in their hands and learning to write with white kharia ( mud-ink) on Takhti , a (wooden sheet) on their lap.
Born in early 1940ties, I lived that period as a child, a toddler and then as teenager and now have good fortune to enjoy the company of my grand-children. Having sojourned in two different worlds, I have attempted to do through the pages of this book precisely what I have been watching with curious eyes the phenomenon of mind-boggling change during the preceding seven decades .
My books are available at for India and for listed countries.
1. The Blessed Dinesh N Verma
2. A Fascinating Trip to Humans Manufacturing Site ... by. Dinesh N Verma
3. My Times My Tales… Dinesh N Verma
4. Mere Samey ki Meri Kahaniyan ( Hindi version of stories ) by Dinesh Verma 'Khushdil

Dinesh. N .Verma (9818089504)
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