Please Don't Mess Up !

It's nearing a decade since I turned a senior citizen and also  became  a Morning walk enthusiast. However of late I have stopped the morning walks because I  hate wearing the mask .Honestly this nasty pollution  has screwed up my routine and litterly made me a couch potato. These days mostly I find myself either switching the TV channels or scribbling on the twitter. I remain so possed with the deteriorating enviornmental situation that even in my dreams I remain "environmentalized"  A conversation that I had with "Mother Earth " in one of my dreams is a proof..... ..Here I go....

ME: Morning walking in the nearby public park, I hear somebody calling me from behind. I turn back and  what I see...the "Mother Earth" sitting on  a nearby bench. She looked so worn out and sad almost tired out. I go and park myself  in the bench beside her and I wish Good Morning "Mother Earth"

Mother Earth: What Son....this is a "Smoggy" Morning and you call it  "Good Morning". It looks like you  have have lost the sense of distinction between Good,Bad and Ugly

ME: It's not like that, its simply a force of  habit that is becoming so ritual

Mother Earth: You know Son you human beings are in a big mess with all this Global warming, Health care battles, and Natural disasters but sadly you still have not learned your lessons

ME: I know that we remain  obsessed with our drive for self success so much  so that we have failed  in measuring  the extent of damage that we have done to our  environment. We are today hand full in  dealing with problems like Global Warming and Destruction of Ecosystem. Yes this all round pollutions have become an incurable disease and we have no vaccine in sight. You know most of the nights I have litterly to screw my eyes to spot stars behind the somgy sky

Mother Earth: This is no time to be sarcastic. Its time to act or perish Don't keep making politics of pollutions . Do you realise that Water pollution, Air pollution , Hazardous Gas pollution etc can become your most  frightful ordeals if not your extinction...?

ME: Yes "Mother Earth" We understand the challenging Environmental pollutions, Social conflicts Climate change and  those  miles and miles of plastic trash in water bodies .We know both human and marine life on this earth is under grievous threat.

Mother Earth:  Still I find  you are  doing hardly enough  to prevent the disaster from happening

ME : I think so. You see we remain politically so obsessed that we have started spending all our  waking hours in corrupting, contradicting and conning the Systems and Processes that we have lovingly and intelligently set in place for our own good and welfare  We also happen to be constantly adopting  technologies for ways and means for sustainability of  Air, Energy ,Water, Flora and Fauna but  still historically we  remain weak in our collective will to  act.

Mother Earth: Well what's  the point. You are already set yourself in "self mode destruction"

ME:  So  "Mother Earth"..What do you advice...?

Mother Earth: 'Sustainability'... You are talking about is not about adopting the latest technology. But this is more about creating an environment of  responsibility in every individual every day and unless that happens you earthlings are doomed and very soon will get into  a situation were you will not know what you have got until its gone

ME:  Is that a warning or a wake up call...?

Mother Earth:  Neither.   It is  an ultimatum to  end this "Global Warming" that you have created

ME : Its not me.Its just everybody else

Mother Earth: Stop blaming others and know that you are very much the part and parcel of those others

ME: How is that...?

Mother Earth: That's for you to guess but mark my words you human beings  cannot exist without me but I can without you .You all better start  cleaning up your mess if you want to carry on on  this planet and wish  to save your kins and the generations NEXT !


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