Let everyday be a Happy woman's day..!
We as a society in general remain unconcerned about the life and plight of woman in this country. Our attitude towards woman has hardly made any markable change. Be it a mother, be it a daughter, be it a sister, be it a wife, we still remain prejudiced about equal rights. There is still a long way to cover before we see ourselves giving them their right to be their own self.
We talk of woman's safety, yet when a woman remains engulfed in flames for not bringing dowry we simply become bystanders watching the bizarre. When she is raped and torched in the crowded streets, all that we do is to show our annoyance over the disgusting state of law & order. Neither as individuals nor as members of so called 'sane society' we ever try to curb our insane behavior and attitude towards woman. However we still have the cheeks enough to tom tom our concerns for the safety of woman.
We are a society of hypocrites who believe in setting aside a day out of the 365 days that is available to us and celebrate it as a Woman's day. Looking at the rising graph of crime against woman, the woman's day has become more of a homage to woman's plight than a fight for her right and safety.
This state of Delhi remains declared as the most unsafe City in the country.The irony of this state is that it boasts of a woman chief Minister, houses the first woman president of the nation, also here is the residence of politically most powerful woman national leader. The the speaker of Lok Saba resides here and so also resides here the woman who is the leader of the opposition in the parliament of the largest democracy. In this city of most powerful women, a woman is shot dead today in the crowded university campus as though to demonstrate that it is just another day of business as usual for this city?
How is it that in spite of 10% of women representation in the parliament nothing remains done on the pitiable lot of the rural woman flocks. If the long pending woman's bill is passed in the parliament it will not serve any purpose beyond bringing the elite woman power in parliament to 33%. Also perhaps it will help in streamlining the inroads into building a dynastic regime under a democratically electoral nation.
No doubt God created man first and then woman, yet she remains his masterpiece. Let us for HIS sake remain unanimous in our action and deed to make this nation a place where mothers, daughters, sisters and spouses are able to walk with freedom, without fear and with their head held high. Let us learn to respect the woman. It is time we begin our everyday wishing the woman a truly happy woman's day..